Faculty Member

Paul Hungler

Virtual and augmented reality, interactive systems for training

Assistant Professor

Chemical Engineering

Smith Engineering

Il Min Kim

Applications of AI/deep learning in wireless signal processing


Electrical and Computer Engineering

Smith Engineering

Qingguo Li

Robotics, mechatronics, wearable systems, energy harvesting

Associate Professor

Mechanical and Materials Engineering

Smith Engineering

Jim McLellan

Real-time optimization, data analysis, systems and process control


Chemical Engineering

Smith Engineering

Christian Muise

Artificial Intelligence, automated planning, goal-oriented dialogue systems

Assistant Professor

School of Computing

Faculty of Arts and Science

Sara Nabil

HCI and Gaming

Assistant Professor

School of Computing

Faculty of Arts and Science

Jianbing Ni

Mobile Network Security, Applied Cryptography, Machine Learning Security, Block Chain Technology

Assistant Professor

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Smith Engineering

Matthew Pan

Human-Robot Interaction, Social Robotics, Assistive Robotics Haptics,Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality

Assistant Professor

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Smith Engineering

Matthew Robertson

Bioinspired robotics, Soft Robotics, Mechatronics, Actuators, Wearable Technology

Assistant Professor, Mitchell Professor

Mechanical and Materials Engineering

Smith Engineering

Karen Rudie

Discrete-event systems, supervisory control, system opacity


Electrical and Computer Engineering

Smith Engineering

Asli Sari

Surface and underground mine planning, data analysis, machine learning applications in mine optimization, fleet management, mine automation

Assistant Professor

The Robert M. Buchan Department of Mining

Smith Engineering

Brian Surgenor

Mechatronics, process automation and control, machine vision


Mechanical and Materials Engineering

Smith Engineering