Become a Member

Any faculty member at Queen's may join Ingenuity Labs. There are two categories of membership: Faculty Members and Affiliate Members. For both membership categories, the Ingenuity Labs Steering Committee decides on the candidate’s membership.

Faculty membership in Ingenuity Labs is open to any researcher whose research work directly involves robotics, artificial intelligence, and/or human-machine interfaces. The process involves an application letter, a nomination letter from an existing faculty member, and a presentation to the institute membership. Please review Section 3.1 of our constitution for more detailed information.

Affiliate membership in ingenuity labs is open to any researcher whose research work is focused on other areas but are looking to collaborate with faculty members working robotics, artificial intelligence, or human-machine interfaces. The process involves an application letter as well as a nomination letter from an existing faculty member. Please review Section 3.2 of our constitution for more detailed information.

Please feel free to contact us if you are interested in joining our institute!