Digital image correlation, intelligent sensors, structural monitoring and condition assessment, hybrid simulation, smart cities
Assistant Professor, Mitchell Professor
Civil Engineering
Smith Engineering
Discrete-event systems, supervisory control, system opacity
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Smith Engineering
Financial and Administrative Assistant
Ingenuity Labs Research Institute
Haptics, telerobotics, tele-rehabilitation, autonomous vehicles, control Systems
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Smith Engineering
Human-Robot Interaction, Social Robotics, Assistive Robotics Haptics,Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality
Assistant Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Smith Engineering
Bioinspired robotics, Soft Robotics, Mechatronics, Actuators, Wearable Technology
Assistant Professor, Mitchell Professor
Mechanical and Materials Engineering
Smith Engineering
Aerial Robotics, control systems, learning-based control, multi-robot systems, vision-based navigation, field robotics
Assistant Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Smith Engineering
Computer vision, object recognition, augmented reality
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Smith Engineering
Assistant Professor
Dan School of Drama and Music
Faculty of Arts and Science
Continuing Associate Professor
Department of Philosophy
Faculty of Arts and Science
Structural and infrastructure monitoring, big data, data analytics
Civil Engineering
Smith Engineering
Computer-aided exercise, simulation-based training and games
School of Computing
Faculty of Arts and Science
Electro-Mechanical Technologist
Ingenuity Labs Research Institute
Smith Engineering
Assistant Professor
Department of Sociology
Faculty of Arts and Science
Virtual and augmented reality, interactive systems for training
Assistant Professor
Chemical Engineering
Smith Engineering
Robotics, mechatronics, wearable systems, energy harvesting
Associate Professor
Mechanical and Materials Engineering
Smith Engineering
Associate Director (Administration)
Ingenuity Labs Research Institute
Associate Professor of Information and Communication Technology
Faculty of Education
Cloud Comuting, High Performance Networks, Low-level Hardware-software Interfaces, Message Passing, High Performance Computing (HPC), Power/Energy Management of Extreme-scale Systems
Assistant Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Smith Engineering